Open Port Checker Tool

Check Your Ports

Your IP address is:

Dahua Ports

Uniview Ports

Dahua needs the HTTP and TCP port open for remove live view the default ports are listed below. Uniview needs the HTTP port open for remote view via a web browser and the cell phone app.
The RTSP port needs to be open to view via EZStation.
TCP 37777 RTSP 554

Troubleshooting Tips

1. If unsure of how to do port forwarding, help can be found on our networking guide page here. If unsure of how to use the current router that is in place please visit the following website for help by clicking here.
2. If the port is not displaying open double-check the network chain to ensure that there are no other routing devices in front of the current router. Please see our Multiple Router Port Forwarding guide by clicking here.
3. On Uniview devices if the ports are not displaying open, in addition to step number one check the "Port-Mapping" menu. In this menu verify that the Mapping Mode is set to UPnP and UPnP mapping is set to manual. Then in the chart displayed make sure the External ports are matching the Internal port. (Internal ports can be found in the ports menu.)
4. Some Internet Service Providers will block some ports. 80 and 554 are commonly blocked ports. Please check with the ISP to verify they allow 80 and 554 to be opened. If the ports are blocked they can be changed in the device to any other port in the range of 1~65535. The ports can then be opened in the router.