“You have exceeded the bitrate” error
The bitrate exceeded error (or similar) usually occurs on 3000 series network video recorders. To resolve this issue, make sure to set the video encode settings under the maximum frame rate and bitrate limits. For example, on a NVR3216V, the maximum FPS is 120 over all channels at 1080P. If you have 16 1080P cameras, you will have to set them to 7fps each (7x16 < 120). The bitrate limit is 32MB, therefore in the previous example, all cameras must be set to 2048 or lower. We suggest keeping the bitrate on CBR (constant bitrate) to make sure that none of the cameras exceed the bitrate limit and drop off the unit. CBR also allows a more consistent level of quality and allow for more control over network latency and hard drive storage. If you are using multiple cameras with different resolutions, experiment by reducing both FPS and bitrate to stay within limits while keeping video quality to an acceptable level.