The PTZ function is not working on analog speed dome camera
The most common issue with having no response from the PTZ function is incorrect wiring. Make sure the A(+) and B(-) wires are connected to the correct place on the RS485 panel on the video recorder. In the Main Menu > Setting > Pan/Tilt/Zoom menu, select the same channel the PTZ camera is on and set the correct protocol, address and baud rate. These settings are typically set via dip-switches located internally or on a side panel in the camera; the user manual included with the camera gives detailed instruction on the location and configuration of the dip-switches. If using multiple PTZs, make sure each PTZ has its own address set up on the dipswitches and on the DVR and also make sure that both camera’s A(+) and B(-) wires are parallel connected to the DVR (PTZ1_A + PTZ2_A -> DVR_A, PTZ1_B + PTZ2_B -> DVR_B).